Moulin Rouge Symbol of the struggle for equality in Las Vegas

The Moulin Rouge opened in 1955 in Las Vegas on the west side of the city where the African American population lived. The hotel was a unique project for its time. It had 110 rooms, a swimming pool, and an Eiffel Tower-style neon sign. Mostly white investors owned the hotel, but African-American boxer Joe Louis owned a small share.

The hotel and casino immediately attracted attention. It hosted famous entertainers such as Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, and Harry Belafonte. The most popular act on the program was the Tropi Can show, which featured the first all-black choreographed group in Las Vegas. The hotel became a place where people of different races could meet, a real breakthrough in those days. Although the Moulin Rouge didn’t make the legendary casinos list, it still left a significant mark on the history of the city and all of American history.

Despite its success, the hotel operated for only five months. Financial difficulties were cited as one of the reasons for the closure. At the time, Las Vegas was not ready for such a project, and the revenues could not cover all the costs. After the closure, the building changed hands several times, but restoring the former popularity was impossible. In 1960, however, the Moulin Rouge played an essential role in the history of the civil rights struggle. Here, the local chapter of the NAACP and city officials met, effectively ending segregation in Las Vegas.

By this time, the city’s African-American community had grown significantly. Businesses, nightclubs, restaurants, and even its credit union had sprung up on the west side. The Moulin Rouge symbolised that African Americans also had buying power and the ability to grow their businesses. It inspired other entrepreneurs to create places of leisure without racial restrictions.

The hotel burned down in 2009. Attempts to rebuild the Moulin Rouge have been made several times, but a successful project wasn’t unveiled until 2018. The plan is to build a new hotel and a museum dedicated to civil rights. The renovated complex is expected to become a cultural center, preserving the spirit of the original hotel.

In addition, the new complex will have to attract more tourists to Las Vegas. Today, it is essential for the city, as most gambling enthusiasts prefer to play via the Internet. The volume of the iGaming market is growing, and this trend will continue in the coming years.

The top search results abound for well-known casinos. One of them, Melbet features more games than the biggest land-based casinos in Vegas. Getting access to all these games is as easy as possible. To do so, you need to go through Melbet registration. To register, you just need to fill out a small form and come up with a password. 

With such intense competition from iGaming, Las Vegas needs to work even harder to attract tourists. Otherwise, the city’s casinos may see a decrease in customer numbers in the future.

Although the original hotel cannot be returned, the Moulin Rouge remains integral to Las Vegas history. It symbolises integration and the fight for equal rights, showing how even a short period of success can leave a mark on history. For many residents, the Moulin Rouge was not just a hotel but a symbol of hope and change.